Trunk 8.0
Bienvenue au Paradis
Découvrez notre première valise officielle Drunk Elephant, remplie de 10 essentiels soins, pour une peau radieuse et éclatante de santé.

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Informations produits

Please meet our first official Drunk Elephant carry-on! Creating the Trunk for our holiday collection is always the highlight of the year. It’s the time we put a collection of our full-size award winners in one very special case. And this year, at the start of our second decade, we decided to create an extra-special carry-on under our own label.
To me, Drunk Elephant has always been more than skincare; Drunk Elephant is a way of life. And travel is a key part of that. Stepping into a new country or a new city, meeting new people, trying new food, experiencing a new culture—that’s how we connect to the world. It’s how we push the borders of our comfort zones.
When it came time to create the Trunk 8.0, I thought of all the journeys we have been on, all the connections we have made, all the beautiful faces from every time zone in the world. And this new wheelie is for all of us. It’s our way of making those connections easier—and maybe a little more colorful.
Have a wonderful holiday season.
XX, Tiffany
Trunk 8.0
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