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The Littles™ 7.0

80,00 €

Faites un Drunk Break*

*Pause Drunk

Un kit de cinq essentiels pour le jour et la nuit, parfaits pour nettoyer, exfolier, hydrater, illuminer, repulper et protéger. En 30 jours, la peau retrouve son éclat de santé.

Informations produits

Letter from the Founder Intro


The Drunk Elephant philosophy has always been: To fix a skin issue, get rid of what’s causing it. That’s why we have never—and will never—formulate with what we call the Suspicious 6: six categories of ingredients, many of which, research has shown, can be at the root of common skin issues, such as sensitivity and breakouts. If you remove the Suspicious 6 from your routine by using nothing but the Littles for 30 days, two things will happen: 1) Your skin will reset to a happy, healthy-looking state and 2) so will you. Just watch.

XX, Tiffany

The Littles™ 7.0

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